Homeopathy Use by US Adults: Results of a National Survey

Use of homeopathic medicine is increasing in USA, revealed by a recent view published online ahead of print by the American Journal of Public Health – a publication of the American Public Health Association of US.

“We used the 2012 National Health Interview Survey to compare homeopathy users with supplement users and those using other forms of complementary and integrative medicine” says research author.

Among US adults, 2.1% used homeopathy within the past 12 months. It means, as per United States’ Census, more than 7 lacs US adults using homeopathic medicines in US.

Respiratory and otorhinolaryngology complaints were most commonly treated (18.5%).

Homeopathy users were more likely to use multiple complementary and integrative medicine therapies and to perceive the therapy as helpful than were supplement users.

US homeopathy use remains uncommon; however, users perceive it as helpful.

The study is conducted and published by Michelle L. Dossett, MD, PhD, MPH, Roger B. Davis, ScD, Ted J. Kaptchuk, and Gloria Y. Yeh, MD, MPH

All of the authors were with the Division of General Medicine and Primary Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, when this work was performed.

Roger B. Davis is also with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA.

Ted J. Kaptchuk is also with the Program in Placebo Studies, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston.

(Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print February 18, 2016: e1-e3. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.303025).

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